Hi, my name is Ray Province. I am a retired minister who now works as an administrator in the health care industry. I also am the owner of Celtic Ozark Solutions, and IT Company that specializes in blog seo, content seo, and seo news. I am an avid writer on many subjects, including the Celtic Ozarks, gardening, home brewing, religion, and Celtic Ozark history, traditions, events, and places.
We have been rather avid about developing our skills for doing food supply gardening for some time now, beginning with our work in the Celtic Ozark Garden, and now branching out to a website dedicated to information about how to grow your own food.
We also keep a list of food supply gardening resources for you, because we want you to know what we actually read and use a our resources.
Yes, I do a lot on the Internet, but I’d rather have fun with my websites than watch more television. I hope you will consider visiting us often.
Raymond Province, The Celtic Ozarkian