Gardening Resources We Use

The whole purpose of this website is to help people be able to grow their own food. So, I wanted Food Supply Gardening to include some helpful resources for you, that go beyond what I write about from my own experience growing a food supply garden. FYI, I use all of these to increase my knowledge. I would also love to have other people send me information on videos and book that they have found useful in learning to grow food.

We hope that you will come back to the site often, as it grows every month, and leave us some good, thoughtful comments on the blogs.

The All New Square Foot Gardening Book by Mel Barholomew. This is where my whole voyage into gardening began many years ago. I still have my original copy of Square Foot Gardening. I still recommend the book for the concepts it teaching all these years later. Learn More...

This is another of my favorite Square Foot Gardening Books from Mel Bartholomew, for it is the original book from Mel. You will notice some changes in the soil formula and concepts from this original to the new version. The older version can save you a little money on the book, but the concepts still work.. Learn More...

Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners. by Suzanne Ashworth. I found this book a while back, while I was looking for more good material on how to save seeds. I have found this book very helpful. In fact, I have seeds for everything I grow in the Celtic Ozark Garden now. This book can help. Learn More...

Growing Food When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times (Mother Earth News) If there was one magazine I would recommend, it might be Mother Earth News. My wife and I have loved it for years. This book in their Live Wiser Series might actually save your life some day. If our food supply ever goes bad, this book can help you get the techniques right to ensure your food supply garden will grow. Learn More...

The Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis. by Peggy Layton. What I like about Peggy's book is that it is very practical, and it has technqiues in it that anyone can implement immediately after reading the book. Whether you ever get into canning, or freezing is not the issue here. This is a book to help you get though a crisis. Learn More...