The Ozarks has been blessed with some great weather this February. It will be time to start the Celtic Ozark Garden again soon. So, it is easy to start to get into that “Spring is almost here’ mentality. While that may be good for our attitudes and moods, it could be bad for our feathered friends.
It is always easy to remember to throw some seed for the birds when we have snow on the ground. It is much more difficult to remember to do that when our outside temperature is 60 degrees. Even though it is warm, the food supply for birds is still low, and you may wish to consider helping them a bit.
One of the simple ways to help the birds is to put out left over baked goods, or stale bread. It provides a good source of carbs, as well as a little fat, which the birds need to help maintain body temperature. Let over fruit, that may be getting a bit old for you, is also a great treat to the birds. This is a win/win deal. You get to feed birds, and throw away trash in an ecological manner. Plus, that old doughnut may look better on the birds!
Seeds are always appreciated by the birds. I just try to stay away from mix seeds bags full of milo seed. In my experience, the birds will not eat it, so it goes bad. I like corn, sunflower seeds, and even peanuts busted up.
Suet is also a good treat for the birds. The fatty portions of the suet are good energy for the birds. If you can keep the suet thawed, that helps the birds a lot.
Love the birds now, and they will love us back in the beauty they bring!
Ray Province
Ray Province is a retired minister, and owner of The Celtic Ozarkian, a website dedicated to life in the Ozarks, from a Celtic point of view! Ray also works as an IT programmer in the healthcare industry, and freelances in SEO and website development. You can reach Ray by emailing, or @celticozarkian on Twitter.
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