Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hard Frost to Come to the Ozarks

It happens every year, unfortunately! We have our first "killing frost" of the season, which drives many gardeners in doors for the winter! Not so here! We will be adding a plastic cover to our greenhouse frame this weekend. (Hopefully the frost won't come til the predicted Oct 28 date!) From this framework, I will be able to keep my broccoli, cabbage, onions, greens, and carrots going for some time to come. I will add some pictures on a later blog. I build my greenhouse from PVC pipe and plastic, a fairly simple process! I owe a debt of thanks to the person who first showed me the process: Len Pense of Stafford, Missouri. Another fine example of why everyone should live in the Ozarks! Check out his website at: !
I also will be covering my herbs, and the tender bottom roots of my hop plants, in straw and some leaves. It makes a great insulation. It will help to keep them toasty all winter. I will also insulate the bottom of my pea plants. Fortunately, peas like the cold! It is always a proverbial "throw of the dice" to see if they do alright through the cold!
We have added some wonderful new items for sale to our online shop! Please check it out! It helps us pay to keep our blogs running!
Here's to fall!
Ray Province, the Celtic Ozark Garden.

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