Friday, October 3, 2008

Welcome to the Celtic Ozark Garden

It's pretty hard to have been raised in the Ozarks and not have your own garden. It's a great part of the Ozarkian tradition. This forum has been created to share information on raising vegetables, growing flowers, and all other things green. We will even explore related topics: canning, growing from seeds, heirloom gardening, seed preservation, etc.

The Province family has been very interested in developing a natural food supply again. So, we have explored lots of gardening methods. We invite you to share you stories of gardening in one of nature's most beautiful places: your garden! Here in the Ozarks, our rocky hills aren't good for raising much besides goats and kids! So, we will always listen to a good story!

Good Gardening,
Ray Province
The Celtic Ozark Garden

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